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引用本文:狄冉,何晓红,韩建林,关伟军,浦亚斌,赵倩君,傅宝玲,马月辉. 中国绒山羊遗传多样性现状和系统发生关系的微卫星分析[J]. 生物多样性, 2007, 15(5): 470-478. DOI: 10.1360/biodiv.070138
作者姓名:狄冉  何晓红  韩建林  关伟军  浦亚斌  赵倩君  傅宝玲  马月辉
作者单位:1 (中国农业科学院―国际家畜研究所畜禽与牧草遗传资源联合实验室, 北京畜牧兽医研究所, 北京 100094)2 (中国农业科学院研究生院, 北京 100081)
摘    要:为了调查中国绒山羊遗传资源现状, 作者应用联合国粮农组织和国际家畜研究所推荐的19对微卫星引物并结合荧光PCR技术, 对9个中国地方产绒山羊群体和1个西非山羊品种进行了遗传多样性检测。14个微卫星座位在10个山羊群体中显示为高度多态, 可作为山羊遗传多样性分析的有效标记。多态信息含量和遗传杂合度等数据表明: 目前中国地方产绒山羊群体的遗传多样性较为丰富, 并且大部分保种场较好地保存了这些地方资源。采用非加权配对算术平均法构建的聚类图和采用主成分分析法得到的散点图均显示, 中国山羊与西非山羊为不同的2类; 中国产绒山羊中河谷山羊、河西绒山羊与其他山羊的遗传距离较远; 其他山羊又大致分为2类: 一类由辽宁绒山羊、新疆山羊、柴达木山羊、陕北山羊组成, 另一类由内蒙古绒山羊组成。此研究结果为开展我国地方绒山羊种质特性研究及资源保护和利用提供了科学依据。

关 键 词:绒山羊  微卫星  遗传多样性  系统发生

Genetic diversity and phylogenetic relationship of Chinese cashmere goats based on microsatellite DNA markers
Ran Di,Xiaohong He,Jianlin Han,Weijun Guan,Yabin Pu,Qianjun Zhao,Baoling Fu,Yuehui Ma. Genetic diversity and phylogenetic relationship of Chinese cashmere goats based on microsatellite DNA markers[J]. Biodiversity Science, 2007, 15(5): 470-478. DOI: 10.1360/biodiv.070138
Authors:Ran Di  Xiaohong He  Jianlin Han  Weijun Guan  Yabin Pu  Qianjun Zhao  Baoling Fu  Yuehui Ma
Affiliation:1 Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences–International Livestock Research Institute Joint Laboratory on Livestock and Forage Genetic Resources, Institute of Animal Sciences, Beijing 100094
2 Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081
Abstract:Genetic diversity of nine indigenous Chinese cashmere goat populations and one West African breed were investigated using 19 microsatellite DNA markers and fluorescence PCR. The aim was to inves-tigate the status of the genetic resources of Chinese cashmere goats. Fourteen of the microsatellite loci were highly polymorphic and effective markers for analysis of genetic diversity and relationship among goat populations. Analysis of polymorphic information content and genetic heterozygosity showed that the Chi-nese goat populations have high genetic diversity. Both UPGMA dendrogram and scatter plots of estimates from principal component analyses showed that the Chinese and African goat populations belong to different clades. Among the Chinese goat populations the Hegu and Hexi populations were genetically more distant from the other goat populations. The remaining seven Chinese goat populations were clustered into two clades. The first clade contained Liaoning,Xinjiang,Chaidamu and Shanbei goat populations,while the sec-ond clade was made up of goat populations from Inner Mongolia. These results may provide a scientific basis for the characteristization,conservation and utilization of Chinese cashmere goats.
Keywords:cashmere goat  microsatellite  genetic diversity  phylogenetic relationship
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