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Isomeric equilibria in complexes of adenosine 5'-triphosphate with divalent metal ions. Solution structures of M(ATP)2- complexes
Authors:H Sigel
Solution structures of M(ATP)2- complexes are reviewed. First the self-stacking properties of ATP4- and M(ATP)2- are shortly described. It is emphasized that for an evaluation of solution structures of M(ATP)2- complexes only results from diluted solutions (below 1 mM) should be used. Next, a comprehensive set of stability data obtained under such conditions from potentiometric pH titrations is summarized for the complexes of Mg2+, Ca2+, Mn2+, Co2+, Ni2+, Cu2+, Zn2+ and Cd2+ with ATP, and for comparison also with pyrimidine nucleoside 5'-triphosphates (YTPs), i.e. CTP, UTP and TTP. The stabilities for the M(ATP)2- complexes are mostly larger than those for the corresponding M(YTP)2- species; this increased stability results from the metal ion back-binding to the base residue in M(ATP)2-, i.e. macrochelates are formed. Detailed analysis of the stability data allows calculation of the percentage of the closed form for the several M(ATP)2- complexes: back-binding is most pronounced in Cu(ATP)2- (67 +/- 2%), remarkable in Zn(ATP)2- (28 +/- 7%), and not observable for Ca(ATP)2- (2 +/- 6%). Comparison of these results with those from 1H-NMR and ultraviolet spectrophotometric studies allows the conclusion that two types of base back-bound macrochelates are formed: one with a direct, i.e. innersphere, M2+/N-7 coordination, and one with a water molecule between the metal ion and N-7, i.e. an outersphere interaction occurs [e.g. to about 10% in Mg(ATP)2-] through hydrogen bonding of a coordinated water to N-7. The formation degree of both forms of these closed isomers is quantified. The biological implications of these results are indicated and the versatility of ATP as a ligand is discussed by summarizing pertinent examples.
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