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Transient recovery from trypsin-caused reduction in fertilizability of sea urchin eggs
Authors:G. Czihak  K. Aketa  H. Vogel  P. Chang  W. Wolf
Affiliation:(1) Abteilung für Genetik und Entwicklungsbiologie der Universität Salzburg, Austria;(2) Laboratorio di Biologia marina in Aurisina, I-Trieste, Italy;(3) Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Nagoya University Nagoya, Nagoya, Japan;(4) Lehrstuhl für Physik der Technischen Universität München in Freising, D-8050 Freising, Federal Republic of Germany;(5) Present address: Akkeshi Marine Biological Station, Hokkaido University, Akkeshi, 088-12 Hokkaido, Japan
Abstract:Summary The effect of trypsin on the fertilizability of sea urchin eggs was studied withParacentrotus lividus andPseudocentrotus depressus. The main effects were two reductions of fertilizability, with a transient increase intervening. The first decrease was probably caused by degradation of sperm-binding sites at the vitelline sheet and the second by degradation of binding sites on the plasma membrane.
Keywords:Sperm binding  Sea urchin eggs  Fertilization
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