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Nucleotide Sequence of Plasmid pAQ1 of Marine Cyanobacterium Synechococcus sp. PCC7002
Authors:Akiyama, Hideo   Kanai, Shozo   Hirano, Masahiko   Miyasaka, Hitoshi
Affiliation:1Biological Sciences Department, Toray Research Center, Inc. 1111 Tebiro, Kamakura, Kanagawa 248-8555, Japan
2Kansai Electric Power Co., Inc. 3-11-20 Wakaoji, Amagasaki, Hyogo 661-0974, Japan
We have determined the complete nucleotide sequence of pAQ1,the smallest plasmid of the unicellular marine cyanobacteriumSynechococcus sp. PCC7002. The plasmid consists of 4,809 bpand has at least four open reading frames that potentially encodepolypeptides of 50 or more amino acids. We found that a palindromicelement, the core sequence of which is G(G/A)CGATCGCC, is over-representednot only in plasmid pAQ1 but also in the accumulated cyanobacterialgenomic sequences from Synechococcus sp. PCC6301, PCC7002, PCC7942,vulcanus and Synechocystis sp. PCC6803 within GenBank and EMBLdatabases. It suggests that this sequence might mediate generearrangement, thus increasing genetic diversity, since recombinationevents are frequent in cyanobacteria.
Keywords:plasmid pAQ1   replication origin   palindromic element   highly iterated palindrome (HIP)   Synechococcus sp. PCC7002
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