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A Comparison of Floy and Soft VIalpha tags on Hatchery Arctic Charr, with Emphasis on Tag Retention, Growth and Survival
Authors:Audun H. Rikardsen  Mary Woodgate  Daniel A. Thompson
Affiliation:(1) Norwegian Institute for Nature Research, N-9296 Tromso, Norway;(2) Northwest Marine Technology, 2401 Bristol Court SW, Olympia, WA, 98502, U.S.A;(3) Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, 600 Capital Way North, Olympia, WA, 98501, U.S.A
The Floy FTF-69 'fingerling' tag and the soft VIalpha tag are designed to be used on small salmonid fishes (> 100 and > 150thinspmm, respectively). The two tags were compared for 160 days on hatchery-reared Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus, (170–209thinspmm). Tag retention and effects on growth rate and survival were analysed. VIalpha-tagged and untagged control fish had similar growth rates and grew significantly faster than Floy-tagged fish during the experiment. Tag retention was significantly higher for Floy tags (94%) than for VIalpha tags (78%). Most VIalpha tag loss (11%) took place within the first 10 days of tagging while there were no Floy tags lost during this period. Survival rates were about equal for all three groups (96–98%), and thus the tags did not seem to affect the survival of charr under hatchery conditions.
Keywords:Salvelinus alpinus  Salmonidae  tagging  tag loss  fingerling tag
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