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Activation of lysosomal enzymes in chemotactically elicited rat peritoneal macrophages
Authors:J P Machaiah
Abstract:Activation profile of lysosomal enzymes in rat peritoneal macrophages elicited in response to three stimulants, thioglycollate (TG), protease peptone (PP) and lipopolysaccharide (LPS) was studied from 0 to 6 days. Macrophages elicited in response to LPS were larger in number and heterogeneous in nature while TG and PP induced cells were comparatively more homogeneous. Maximum elicitation of macrophages in response to the three stimulants, though at different degrees, was observed around 3 days. This could be correlated to increased blood monocytes. The progressive activation of macrophages reflected in corresponding decrease in total cellular protein content and increase in the activities of their lysosomal enzymes. The catalytic activities of aryl sulphatase, beta-glucuronidase and cathepsin D increased several fold (2-8 fold) over the resident values. TG elicited cells possessed the highest enzyme activities, followed by PP and LPS elicited ones. Beta-Glucuronidase was the most stimulated (4-8 fold) of the enzymes studied. The cellular catalytic activities of these enzymes were also enhanced 2- to 4-fold compared to the resident levels in the TG and PP elicited macrophages. Though the enzyme catalytic activities were increased in the LPS treated cells, their cellular levels remained below the resident activities in all the three enzymes studied. The results indicate that the events related to the elaboration of these macrophage lysosomal enzymes in vivo are subject to selective modulation and are stimulus specific.
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