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Molecular Mechanics Studies of Molybdenum Disulphide Catalysts Parameterisation of Molybdenum and Sulphur
Authors:Thierry M. Brunier  Michael G. B. Drew  Philip C. H. Mitchell
Affiliation:Department of Chemistry , University of Reading , Whiteknights, Reading, RG6 2 AD, U.K.

A method for the parameterisation of molybdenum disulphide is presented which reproduces the crystal structure accurately. The method involves calculating parameters such that there is no net force contribution from any individual term of the potential on any atom. Ideal bond lengths and bond angles are taken from the X-ray crystal structure; stretching and bending force constants are calculated from a combination of spectroscopic data and quantum mechanics calculations, whereby the energy function with bond length or bond angle is calculated and fitted with an harmonic potential. For the non-bonded Lennard-Jones parameters, the dispersion coefficient C was calculated by an interpolation of existing published parameters using a multiple regression and then the crystal energy was minimised with respect to the van der Waals radius r0 using a fixed crystal fragment.

These parameters were tested for various models of the hexagonal and rhombohedral forms of MoS2. RMS fits between structures minimised with molecular mechanics and experimental models ranged from 0.006 Å to 0.012 Å.
Keywords:Molecular mechanics  parameterisation  molybdenum disulphide  catalytic phase
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