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引用本文:马晓林,白雪,李惠君,徐松鹤,任琴. 施钾与蚜害处理后马铃薯叶片中多酚氧化酶活性的变化[J]. 昆虫学报, 2013, 56(12): 1413-1417
作者姓名:马晓林  白雪  李惠君  徐松鹤  任琴
作者单位:(集宁师范学院, 内蒙古乌兰察布 012000)
摘    要:蚜虫危害是影响马铃薯Solanum tuberosum产量和品质的重要因素之一, 而多酚氧化酶(polyphenol oxidase, PPO)与植物的抗性密切相关。为了阐明施钾条件下马铃薯与桃蚜Myzus persicae的关系, 本实验通过比色法、 iTRAQ技术和蛋白免疫印迹法研究了对照(不施钾, 不接虫)、 接虫、 施钾以及施钾+接虫4种处理后马铃薯叶片中多酚氧化酶活性的变化。结果表明: 施钾显著降低桃蚜种群数量。随着桃蚜发育期延长, 桃蚜的种群数量显著低于对照, 且6 g/株施钾量对桃蚜种群数量的抑制效果最强。以6 g/株作为施钾量, 对不同处理后马铃薯叶片中多酚氧化酶活性研究显示, 施钾、 接虫+施钾处理均使马铃薯叶片中PPO活性显著提高, 分别比对照增加了44%和67%。通过液相色谱 质谱/质谱联用仪(LC-MS/MS) 分析, 接虫、 施钾、 接虫+施钾处理均不同程度上调了PPO蛋白表达量。Western杂交结果显示: 施钾、 接虫+施钾处理显著增加了PPO的相对表达量, 且接虫+施钾处理使该相对表达量达到最高。结果说明, 施钾、 接虫+施钾处理通过诱导马铃薯叶片中的PPO活性, 从一个侧面提高了马铃薯抗蚜虫能力。

关 键 词:马铃薯  施钾  蚜害  桃蚜  多酚氧化酶  抗虫性  

Changes of polyphenol oxidase activity in potato leaves after potassium supply and aphid infestation
Affiliation:MA Xiao-Lin, BAI Xue, LI Hui-Jun, XU Song-He, REN Qin;
Abstract:Aphid infestation is one of the most important factors that affects the yield and quality of potato (Solanum tuberosum), whereas polyphenol oxidase (PPO) is a significant anti-insect trait in plants. In order to clarify the interaction between potato and peach aphid (Myzus persicae) after potassium supply, the changes of PPO activity in patato leaves in four treatments, i. e., the control (no potassium supply, no aphid feeding), aphid feeding, potassium supply and aphid feeding plus potassium supply, were assayed using colorimetry, iTRAQ technique and Western blotting. The results indicated that the population size of peach aphid decreased significantly after potassium supply compared with that of the control group in the development processes. Potassium supply of 6 g/seedling had the highest inhibitory effect on the growth of peach aphid populations. The PPO activity in potato leaves increased by 44% and 67% after potassium supply of 6 g/seedling and aphid feeding plus potassium supply, respectively. LC-MS/MS analysis showed that the expression level of PPO protein was up-regulated in varying degrees after the potato leaves were subjected to aphid feeding, potassium supply and aphid feeding plus potassium supply. Western blotting results showed that the relative expression level of PPO increased significantly in treatments of potassium supply and aphid feeding plus potassium supply, and presented the highest relative expression level in aphid feeding plus potassium supply treatments. The results suggest that potassium supply and aphid feeding plus potassium supply may enhance potato resistance to aphids due to, at least in part, the induction of PPO activity in its leaves.
Keywords:Solanum tuberosum  potassium supply  aphid infestation  Myzus persicae  polyphenol oxidase (PPO)  insect resistance  
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