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Review of the effects of within-patch scale structural complexity on seagrass fishes
Authors:Masahiro Horinouchi  

aResearch Center for Coastal Lagoon Environments, Shimane University, 1060 Nishikawatsu-cho, Matsue, Shimane 690-8504, Japan

Abstract:Studies on the effects of within-patch scale structure of seagrass habitats on predator–prey fish interactions and abundance/habitat use patterns were reviewed. Most laboratory experiments have employed chase-and-attack predators, usually resulting in lower foraging efficiency in (denser) seagrass. However, a few laboratory procedures employed alternative foraging tactics, resulting in no differences in prey mortality rates. Field studies did not always result in lower prey mortality rates in seagrass habitats. Accordingly, it is premature to conclude that seagrass presence is almost always negatively related to predator foraging efficiency or that increasing seagrass abundance is usually associated with a decrease in predator efficiency. Because several categories of predator and prey fishes occur in seagrass habitats, further studies are needed with all of these predator–prey combinations, in order to fully clarify predator–prey fish interactions in association with seagrass structure. Seagrass fishes have been shown to respond to alterations in seagrass structure in various ways: seagrass height and/or density reduction or clearance resulted in decreased abundance of some species but increases or no change in others. Some explanations have been proposed, not all mutually exclusive, for these phenomena. Although within-patch scale processes have been well studied, room exists for improvement. For example, predator–prey fish interactions in relation to varying within-patch scale complexity is not yet fully understand. The relationships of patch size, edge effects and within-patch scale complexity also still remain unclear. Further studies, which add to the clarification of within-patch scale process, will in turn improve our understanding of larger spatial scale processes.
Keywords:Abundance   Fish   Habitat use patterns   Predator–prey interactions   Seagrass   Within-patch scale structure
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