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Relationships in Patagonian species of Berberis (Berberidaceae) based on the characterization of rDNA internal transcribed spacer sequences
Affiliation:Instituto de Ecología y Evolución, Facultad de Ciencias, Campus Isla Teja, Casilla 567, Universidad Austral de Chile, Valdivia, Chile; Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Intendente Güiraldes y Costanera Norte (C1428EHA), Buenos Aires, Argentina; CIGen-CONICET (B1836AML) Llavallol, Argentina; Department of Cell Biology and Genetics, University of Alcalá, Campus Universidad de Alcalá, Alcaláde Henares, Madrid, Spain; Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias, Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, Paraje Arroyo Seco s/n, (B7000) Tandil, Argentina
Abstract:Sequence analysis of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) of the 18S(ITS1)-5.8S-26S(ITS2) rDNA region was performed in order to analyse the phylogenetic relationships between 13 Patagonian species of the genus Berberis (Berberidaceae). The divergence values between the pairwise sequence in the studied Patagonian species were in the range 2.9–22.9%. The lengths of the ITS1 and ITS2 sequences were in the range 227–231 bp and 220–224 bp, respectively, and the 5.8S sequence was 159 bp throughout all species . B. microphylla sensu Landrum does not appear to be monophyletic based on current sampling. Indeed, we suggest that B. microphylla should be distinguished from B. buxifolia , B. parodii , and B. heterophylla . ITS sequences, together with data obtained from morphological, biochemical, amplified fragment length polymorphism, and cytological characterizations, support the existence of diploid and polyploid hybrid speciation in the genus.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 153 , 321–328.
Keywords:Argentina    barberry    calafate    diploid and polyploid hybrid speciation    michay    molecular markers
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