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Calibration of a Linear Free Energy Estimation Approach for Estimating Stability Constants for Metal-Bacterial Surface Complexes
Authors:Brian R. Ginn  Jennifer E.S. Szymanowski  Jeremy B. Fein
Affiliation:Department of Civil Engineering and Geological Science , University of Notre Dame , Notre Dame, IN, USA
Abstract:In this study, we use the measured extent of metal adsorption onto bacterial cells to constrain a linear free energy relationship that allows estimation of unknown stability constants for metal-bacterial surface complexes based on the value of corresponding aqueous metal-acetate stability constants. A previous study (Fein et al., 2001 Fein, J B, Martin, A M and Wightman, P G. 2001. Metal adsorption onto bacterial surface: Development of a predictive approach. Geochim Cosmochim Acta, 65: 42674273. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) used metal adsorption experiments to constrain a similar relationship, but the experiments were conducted using acid-washed bacteria, and subsequent evidence (Borrok et al., 2004a Borrok, D, Fein, J B, Tischler, M, O'Loughlin, E, Meyer, H, Liss, M and Kemner, K M. 2004a. The effect of acidic solutions and growth conditions on the adsorptive properties of bacterial surfaces. Chem Geol, 209: 107119. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) shows that the acid-washing step affects the extent of adsorption of a number of metals onto bacterial surfaces. We measured the adsorption of Zn, Ni, Co, Sr, and Nd onto Bacillus subtilis in 0.1 M NaClO4 as a function of pH and metal:bacterial site ratio, using a non-electrostatic discrete four-site model of the bacterial protonation reactions as a basis for the metal adsorption modeling. The adsorption of the divalent cations (Zn, Ni, Co, and Sr) could best be modeled by considering adsorption reactions involving three sites on the bacterial surface; we used a one-site model to account for the Nd data that covered a more restricted pH range. The calculated stability constants for metal-Site 2 bacterial surface complexes are used to re-calibrate the linear free energy relationship previously defined by Fein et al. (2001) Fein, J B, Martin, A M and Wightman, P G. 2001. Metal adsorption onto bacterial surface: Development of a predictive approach. Geochim Cosmochim Acta, 65: 42674273. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]. There is a significant difference between the original and the re-calibrated lines for weakly binding cations such as Sr2 +, but the difference becomes negligible for the stronger-binding cations. Because the linear free energy relationship defined in this study was calibrated from experiments that involved bacteria that were not exposed to acidic conditions, the estimated stability constant values that result from using this relationship are likely to reasonably reflect bacterial adsorption behaviors that occur in realistic geologic settings.
Keywords:adsorption  bacteria  free energy line  surface complexation  thermodynamic
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