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Marker assisted evaluation of morphological and genetic attributes of sub-populations of Nili-Ravi buffalo: A vulnerable dairy type riverine breed of India
Authors:P. Kathiravan  P. K. Dubey  S. Goyal  B. P. Mishra  G. Singh  S. M. Deb  D. K. Sadana  B. K. Joshi  R. S. Kataria
In the present study, we report the distribution of true to type and atypical Nili-Ravi buffalo, a vulnerable dairy type riverine breed of North India and its underlying genetic structure. Out of total investigated buffaloes 73.5% had bilateral wall eyes while 5.4% had unilateral wall eyes and 21.1% had no wall eyes. 41.15% of Nili-Ravi buffaloes maintained in the breeding farm were having typical true to the type characteristics (both eyes walled, white markings in forehead, muzzle/chin, all the four legs and tail) while only 28.5% of Nili-Ravi buffaloes were true to the type under field conditions. Genotypic data were generated in four groups of Nili-Ravi buffalo (FMTNR—Typical Nili-Ravi from farm; FMANR—Atypical Nili-Ravi from farm; FDTNR—Typical Nili-Ravi from field; FDANR—Atypical Nili-Ravi from field) at 16 microsatellite loci. Comparative genetic analysis of various groups of Nili-Ravi buffaloes with Murrah revealed significant between group differences with an estimated global F ST of 0.063. Pair-wise F ST values ranged from 0.003 (between FDTNR and FDANR) to 0.112 (between FMTNR and FDTNR). Phylogenetic analysis and multi-dimensional scaling revealed clustering of FDTNR and FDANR together while FMTNR and FMANR clustered separately with Murrah in between farm and field Nili-Ravi buffaloes. Based on the results, the paper also proposes three pronged strategy for conservation and sustainable genetic improvement of Nili-Ravi buffalo in India.
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