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The discovery of potent immunostimulatory CpG-ODNs widely distributed in bacterial genomes
Authors:Juan Liu  Yan Wei  Yongling Lu  Yangyuling Li  Qian Chen  Yan Li
Abstract:Oligodeoxynucleotides containing unmethylated CpG dinucleotides (CpG-ODN) can be specifically recognized by Toll-like receptor 9 (TLR9), provoking innate immune responses. Designed according to this structural feature, many synthetic phosphorothioate CpG-ODNs successfully activate macrophages. However, it is difficult to find potent stimulatory CpG-DNA fragments in microbial genomes. Therefore, whether microbial CpG-DNA substantially contributes to infectious and immune diseases remains controversial. In this study, high-throughput scanning was carried out for thousands of bacterial genomes with bioinformatics tools to comprehensively evaluate the distribution of CpG-DNA fragments. A random sampling test was then performed to verify their immunostimulatory properties by experiments in vitro and in vivo. Natural TLR9-dependent and potent stimulatory CpG-DNA fragments were found in microbial genomes. Interestingly, highly conserved stimulatory CpG-DNA fragments were found in 16S and 23S rDNA sequences with multiple copies, while others were species-specific. Additionally, we found that the reported active motifs were mostly non-stimulatory in natural CpG fragments. This evidence indicates that the previous structural descriptions of functional CpG-ODNs are incomplete. Our study has assessed the distribution of microbial CpG-DNA fragments, and identified natural stimulatory CpG-DNA fragments. These findings provide a deeper understanding of CpG-ODN structures and new evidence for microbial DNA inflammatory function and pathogenicity.
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