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Isozymes of NADP-dependent isocitrate dehydrogenase in normal and tumor tissues of various mouse strains and their hybrids
Authors:E V Fedorova  Iu B Vakhtin
Normal tissues of DBA, CBA, CC57W, C3H, Balb/c, SHR mice and F1 hybrids CC57W/DBA appeared to differ in the ratios of mitochondrial and supernatant NADP-dependent isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH). Tested inbred mice strains CC57W, C3H, SHR, Balb/c contain allelic form Idh-1a of supernatant IDH gene Idh-1, whereas allelic form Idh-1b is characteristic of mice strains DBA and CBA. In tumors IDH isozymes have the same mobility as do isozymes of homologous normal tissues; but their activity is lower. A high variability of each isozyme activity in the isozyme spectrum is revealed in various tissues of F1 hybrids CC57W/DBA. Allelic forms of gene Idh-1 were used as markers of normal and tumor cells for the experimental model: transplantation of sarcoma 37 (Idh-1a/Idh-1a) to subcutaneous tissue of the mouse strain DBA (Idh-1b/Idh-1b). It enables us to reveal isozymes of stromal cell in tumor IDH isozyme spectrum. The results indicate that the relation of normal and tumor isozymes vary in different tumors.
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