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Puromycin aminonucleoside increases the synthesis of ribonuclease inhibitor and other proteins in kidney
Authors:D.M. Nicholls  H.V. Markle
Affiliation:Department of Biology and Department of Chemistry, York University, Toronto Canada
The incorporation of labelled amino acids into proteins was measured in vivo in the kidney of control rats and rats that received puromycin aminonucleoside. There was an increase in the synthesis of kidney proteins after the aminonucleoside that was similar to the increased synthesis previously observed in cell-free and slice preparations. The increased synthesis in vivo and in vitro especially involved proteins of the prealbumin fraction of average molecular weights of approx. 50 000, 35 000, 25000, 18 000, and 10 000. The largest of these proteins was identified as kidney ribonuclease inhibitor and additional evidence was obtained for the increased synthesis of the kidney inhibitor after aminonucleoside.
Keywords:DOC  sodium deoxycholate  dpm  disintegrations/min  NCS  Nuclear-Chicago solubilizer  SDS  sodium dodecyl sulphate  TCA  trichloroacetic acid
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