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Formation of nonquasineutral vortex plasma structures with a zero net current
Authors:A. V. Gordeev
Affiliation:(1) Russian Research Centre Kurchatov Institute, pl. Kurchatova 1, Moscow, 123182, Russia
Abstract:A nonquasineutral vortex structure with a zero net current is described that arises as a result of electron drift in crossed magnetic and electric fields, the latter being produced by charge separation on a spatial scale of about the magnetic Debye radius r B = |B|/(4πen e ). In such a structure with a radius of rr B , the magnetic field is maintained by a drift current on the order of the electron Alfvén current J Ae = m e c 3/(2e) and can become as strong as B ? m e c 2/(er). Estimates show that, in a plasma with a density of n e = 1021?1023 cm?3 and with nonzero electron vorticity driven by high-power laser radiation on a time scale on the order of θ pe ?1 , magnetic fields with a strength of B ~ 108?109 G are generated on micron and submicron scales. The system with closed current that is considered in the present paper can also serve as a model of hot spots in the channel of a Z-pinch.
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