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Environmental effects on prenatal growth rate in pronghorn and bighorn: further evidence for energy constraint on sex-biased maternal expenditure
Authors:Byers, John A.   Hogg, John T.
Affiliation:aDepartment of Biological Sciences, University of Idaho Moscow, ID 83844, USA bCraighead Wildlife-Wildlands Institute, 5200 Upper Miller Creek Road, Missoula, MT 59803, USA
Abstract:Byers and Moodie (1990) proposed that high levels of maternalexpenditure in polygynous ungulates limit the ability of mothersto support elevated male fetal and neonatal growth rates. Thishypothesis assumes that females in high-expenditure speciesare at or near the maximum level possible and that females inlower-expenditure species are not. To test this assumption,we examined our long-term data on reproduction of pronghorn(Antilocapra americana) and bighorn (Ovis canadensis) at theNational Bison Range (western Montana, USA) and compared gestationlengths, birth weights, and prenatal growth rates of offspringborn following summers of low versus average or above averageprecipitation. In bighorn, these variables were unaffected bythe previous summer's rainfall, but in pronghorn, gestationlength and prenatal growth rate were significantly lower followingdry summers. Extended samples for both species confirmed earlierreports of sex-biased expenditure favoring males in bighornand the absence of sex-bias in pronghorn. Bighorn prenatal littergrowth rates and birth weights, corrected for maternal mass,are 63.5% and 38%, respectively, of pronghorn values. Thesedata support the Byers and Moodie (1990) contention that femalesof high-expenditure species do not show differential expenditureby offspring sex because they are at a reproductive expendituremaximum, whereas females of lower-expenditure species are ableto support excess expenditure in male offspring because optimalallocation to female offspring is farther from such a maximum.
Keywords:environmental variation, maternal care, reproductive expenditure, sex difference. [Behav Ecol 6: 451–  457 (1995)].
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