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Synaptology of the rat suprachiasmatic nucleus
Authors:Dr. Fritz-H. Güldner
Affiliation:(1) Max-Planck-Institut für biophysikalische Chemie, Abt. Neurobiologie, Neuroanatomie, Göttingen, Germany;(2) Max-Planck-Institut für biophysikalische Chemie, Abt. Neurobiologie, Neuroanatomie, 34 Göttingen-Nikolausberg, Am Faßberg, Federal Republic of Germany
Within the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) of the rat the fine structure of the synapses and some features of their topological arrangement were studied. Five types of synapses could be distinguished with certainty: A. Two types of Gray-type-I (GTI) or asymmetrical synapses (approximately 33%). The presynaptic elements contain strikingly different types of mitochondria. Size of clear vesicles: approximately 450 A. Synapses with subjunctional bodies often occur, among these also "crest synapses". Localization: dendritic shafts and spines, rarely somata. B. Three types of Gray-type-2 (GTII) or symmetrical synapses (approximately 66%):1) Axo-dendritic and -somatic (=AD) synapses. Size of clear vesicles: approximately 500 A. 2) Invaginated axo-dendritic and -somatic (=IAD) synapses with club-like postsynaptic protrusions within the presynaptic elements (PreE1). Size of clear vesicles is very variable: approximately 400-1,000 A. 3) Dendro-dendritic, -somatic and somato-dendritic (=DD) synapses occurring at least partly in reciprocal arrangements. They represent an intrinsic system. Shape of clear vesicles: often oval; sucrose treatment partly produces flattening. Dense core-vesicles (dcv) are found in all GTII- and most of the GTI-synapses after three-dimensional reconstruction. All types of synapses (mostly GTII-synapses) can be enclosed by multilamellar astroglial formations. The synapses often occur in complex synaptic arrangements. Dendrites and somata of females show significantly more multivesiculated bodies than those of males. Further pecularities of presynaptic (PreELs) and postsynaptic elements (PostELs) within the SCN are described and discussed.
Keywords:Hypothalamus  Suprachiasmatic nucleus  Synapses  Mitochondria  Endoplasmic reticulum
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