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Demethylation and cleavage of dimethylsulfoniopropionate in marine intertidal sediments
Authors:Pieter T. Visscher  Ronald P. Kiene  Barrie F. Taylor
Affiliation:Division of Marine and Atmospheric Chemistry, Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, Miami, FL 33149, USA;Department of Marine Sciences, University of South Alabama, Mobile, AL 36688, USA
Abstract:Abstract Demethylation and cleavage of dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) was measured in three different types of intertidal marine sediments: a cyanobacterial mat, a diatom-covered tidal flat and a carbonate sediment. Consumption rates of added DMSP were highest in cyanobacterial mat slurries (59 μmol DMSP 1−1) and lower in slurries from a diatom mat and a carbonate tidal sediment (24 and 9 μmol DMSP 1−1 h−1, respectively). Dimethyl sulfide (DMS) and 3-mercaptopropionate (MPA) were produced simultaneously during DMSP consumption, indicating that cleavage and demethylation occurred at the same time. Viable counts of DMSP-utilizing bacteria revealed a population of 2 × 107 cells cm−3 sediment (90% of these cleaved DMSP to DMS, 10% demethylated DMSP to MPA) in the cyanobacterial mat, 7 × 105 cells cm−3 in the diatom mat (23% cleavers, 77% demethylators), and 9 × 104 cells cm−3 (20% cleavers and 80% demethylators) in the carbonate sediment. In slurries of the diatom mat, the rate of MPA production from added 3-methiolpropionate (MMPA) was 50% of the rate of MPA formation from DMSP. The presence of a large population of demethylating bacteria and the production of MPA from DMSP suggest that the demethylation pathway, in addition to cleavage, contributes significantly to DMSP consumption in coastal sediments.
Keywords:Dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP)    Marine sediment    Most probable number    Dimethyl sulfide (DMS)    3-Mercaptopropionate (MPA)    3-Methiolpropionate (MMPA)
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