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Golgi- and Trans-Golgi Network-Mediated Vesicle Trafficking Is Required for Wax Secretion from Epidermal Cells
Authors:Heather E. McFarlane  Yoichiro Watanabe  Weili Yang  Yan Huang  John Ohlrogge  A. Lacey Samuels
Affiliation:Department of Botany (H.E.M., Y.W., Y.H., A.L.S.) and Michael Smith Laboratories (Y.H.), University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada V6T 1Z4; and;Department of Plant Biology, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan 48824 (W.Y., J.O.)
Abstract:Lipid secretion from epidermal cells to the plant surface is essential to create the protective plant cuticle. Cuticular waxes are unusual secretory products, consisting of a variety of highly hydrophobic compounds including saturated very-long-chain alkanes, ketones, and alcohols. These compounds are synthesized in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) but must be trafficked to the plasma membrane for export by ATP-binding cassette transporters. To test the hypothesis that wax components are trafficked via the endomembrane system and packaged in Golgi-derived secretory vesicles, Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) stem wax secretion was assayed in a series of vesicle-trafficking mutants, including gnom like1-1 (gnl1-1), transport particle protein subunit120-4, and echidna (ech). Wax secretion was dependent upon GNL1 and ECH. Independent of secretion phenotypes, mutants with altered ER morphology also had decreased wax biosynthesis phenotypes, implying that the biosynthetic capacity of the ER is closely related to its structure. These results provide genetic evidence that wax export requires GNL1- and ECH-dependent endomembrane vesicle trafficking to deliver cargo to plasma membrane-localized ATP-binding cassette transporters.The aerial, nonwoody tissues of all land plants are covered by a waxy cuticle that protects the plant against nonstomatal water loss. The cuticle also provides the first barrier between the plant and its environment and mediates important biotic and abiotic interactions. The cuticle has two main components: cutin and waxes. Cutin is a tough, cross-linked polyester matrix primarily composed of C16 and C18 oxygenated fatty acids and glycerol (Pollard et al., 2008). Wax is a heterogenous mixture, primarily composed of very-long-chain (VLC) fatty acid derivatives (predominantly 29-carbon alkane in Arabidopsis [Arabidopsis thaliana] stems).As a result of biochemical approaches, forward genetic screens yielding the eceriferum (cer) mutants (Koornneef et al., 1989), and reverse genetics approaches (Greer et al., 2007), almost all of the enzymes in the wax biosynthesis pathway have been identified. The enzymes that elongate C16 or C18 fatty acids to VLC (greater than 20C) fatty acids are localized in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER; for review, see Haslam and Kunst, 2013). Primary alcohols are synthesized by the fatty acyl reductases (Rowland et al., 2006), while alkanes are generated via an undefined mechanism involving CER1, CER3, and an unidentified cytochrome b5 (Bernard et al., 2012). These alkanes may be modified by the midchain alkane hydroxylase cytochrome P450 (MAH1) to generate secondary alcohols and ketones (Greer et al., 2007). All of these wax synthesis enzymes have also been localized to the ER (Greer et al., 2007; Bernard et al., 2012).In contrast to wax synthesis, comparatively little is known about how waxes are trafficked within the cell from their site of synthesis at the ER to the plasma membrane. ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters of the G subfamily are required for wax export, and when either half-transporter is disrupted, waxes accumulate in the ER (McFarlane et al., 2010). Two extracellular glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored lipid transfer proteins (LTPs) are further required for wax accumulation on the plant surface (DeBono et al., 2009; Kim et al., 2012). Although these components of the molecular machinery of wax transport at the plasma membrane have been identified, the intracellular mechanisms by which waxes are transported to the plasma membrane remain undefined.Several mechanisms have been hypothesized for the transport of waxes from the ER to the plasma membrane (for review, see Samuels et al., 2008). Waxes could be incorporated into vesicles at the ER, travel to and through the Golgi apparatus and the trans-Golgi network (TGN), and then move to the plasma membrane via vesicle secretion. These vesicles could carry wax components within their membranes, as computational modeling of wax components in lipid bilayers indicates that VLC alkanes partition entirely into the hydrophobic phase of the bilayer (Coll et al., 2007). Alternatively, lipoproteins may bind to lipid molecules in order to solubilize them so that they can be transported as cargo in the vesicle lumen, by analogy to mammalian systems where lipoproteins are secreted from hepatocytes into the circulatory system by exocytosis via post-Golgi vesicles (for review, see Mansbach and Siddiqi, 2010). However, no analogous lipid-binding apoproteins or transport vesicles have been found in plants. It is also possible that LTPs in membrane contact sites between the ER and the plasma membrane could transfer cuticular lipids directly from the ER to the plasma membrane. However, although these membrane contact sites have been observed in plant cells (Samuels and McFarlane, 2012), no structural or functional components of membrane contact sites are known.Early studies of VLC fatty acid trafficking used pulse-chase labeling to show that treatment with monensin, a post-Golgi trafficking inhibitor, results in decreased VLC fatty acid trafficking to the plasma membrane and a corresponding increase in these lipids in the Golgi apparatus (Bertho et al., 1991), suggesting a Golgi-dependent mechanism of VLC lipid trafficking to the plasma membrane. However, the “Golgi” fraction in this study contained significant elongase activity, which has subsequently been localized to the ER, making interpretation of these data difficult. While a variety of inhibitors are available that disrupt different stages in the secretory pathway (Zhang et al., 1993; Robinson et al., 2008), inhibitor studies of wax trafficking have proven ineffective, since the wax-producing epidermal cells do not effectively take up solutions carrying these inhibitors. This illustrates the difficulties of studying the transport of highly hydrophobic cargo, such as wax, within the single cell layer of epidermis.The objective of this study was to determine the intracellular trafficking mechanisms underlying cuticular wax transport from the ER to the plasma membrane. Arabidopsis mutants, which have been successfully applied in wax biosynthesis studies, were used to investigate wax secretion. Well-characterized mutants with defects in vesicle traffic and protein secretion were chosen to test the hypothesis that wax components are trafficked via endomembrane vesicles. These mutant analyses indicate that wax movement from the ER to the plasma membrane requires vesicle traffic at both the ER-Golgi interface and the TGN. Independent of secretion phenotypes, strong decreases in wax synthesis were observed in mutants with altered ER morphology, which implies that ER structure influences its biosynthetic capacity for wax production.
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