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Rapid two-dimensional analysis of proteins by ultra-thin layer gel electrophoresis
Authors:Guttman András  Csapo Zsolt  Robbins Dave
Affiliation:Torrey Mesa Research Institute, La Jolla, CA 92121, USA. andras.guttman@syngenta.com
Abstract:Identification of qualitative and/or quantitative protein expression differences as well as characterization of specific cell proteomes would further advance molecular cell biology research. Today, one of the most commonly used tools for proteome analysis is two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Although this technology is informative, it is extremely cumbersome, time-consuming and lacks automation and proper reproducibility. In this paper, we propose an automated separation/detection system capable of rapid two-dimensional analysis of proteins by ultra-thin layer gel electrophoresis with real time imaging of the separated components, using fiber optics based laser induced fluorescence technology. The approach is based on electric field mediated separation in capillary dimensions, along with noncovalent, "in migratio" fluorescent staining methodology. The advantage of the technology discussed over existing techniques is its simplicity, speed and good detection sensitivity.
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