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Frequency-dependent selection on information-transfer strategies at breeding colonies: a simulation study
Authors:Barta, Zoltan   Szep, Tibor
Affiliation:aBehavioural Ecology Research Group, Department of Evolutionary Zoology and Human Biology, Kossuth University Debrecen, Pf 3, H-4010 Hungary bEcological Research Group, Hungarian Ornithological Society, Budapest, K"o"lt u. 21., H-1121 Hungary
Through computer simulations, we model three different foodfinding strategies: searcher, no information transfer, watcher,limited information transfer; follower, full information transfer.The aim of this article was to study how frequency-dependentselection affects the proportion of these strategies at a simulatedcolony under different patterns of food distribution. Furthermore,we determined how information transfer in a population witha mixed evolutionarily stable strategy (ESS) modified the averageforaging efficiency of an individual compared to that of anindividual in a population with mutual information exchange.We found that the proportion of information gaining strategiesincreases as the food resources become more clumped. The improvementin foraging efficiency through the operation of an informationcenter need not require mutuality in information exchange. Onthe basis of the presented study, at the ESS only a small percentageof colony members need discover food patches, yet the foragingefficiency may be high because of the operation of an informationcenter.
Keywords:colonial breeding, evolutionarily stable strategy, food patterns, foraging, information center, simulation. [Behav Ecol 6:308–  310 (1995)].
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