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Comparative study of grooming relationships among wild Japanese macaques in Kinkazan A troop and Yakushima M troop
Authors:Hiroyuki Takahashi  Takeshi Furuichi
Affiliation:(1) Present address: Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University, Kanrin, 484-8506 Inuyama, Aichi, Japan;(2) Present address: Meiji-Gakuin University, Kamikurata, Totsuka, 244-0816 Yokohama, Japan
The influences of socionomic sex ratio (SSR; adult males/adult female) and troop size upon male-male, female-female, and male-female grooming relationships were examined and compared between two wild Japanese macaque troops (Kinkazan A and Yakushima M troops) in Japan. The Yakushima M troop was smaller and had a higher-SSR than the Kinkazan A troop. Between the troops, (1) the male-male grooming frequency and number of partners were greater in the Yakushima M troop than in the Kinkazan A troop; (2) the female-female grooming frequency and number of partners were not different; and (3) the male-female grooming frequency and number of partners were not different. Based on these features, the patterns of female-female and male-female grooming relationships appear to be independent of SSR and troop size variations. In contrast, male-male grooming relationships are influenced by both factors, especially SSR. Frequent grooming interactions among males may be useful for the continued coexistence of relatively many males especially in a higher-SSR troop.
Keywords:Macaca fuscata   Grooming relationships  Socionomic sex ratio  Troop size  Non-provisioning
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