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Light-modulation of nitrate reductase activity in leaves and roots of maize
Authors:Lucia Merlo  Massimo Ferretti  Calvino Passera  Rossella Ghisi
Affiliation:Depts of Biology Forest Resources, Univ. of New Brunswick, Fredericton, NB, Canada E3B 5A3;Dept of Biology, Univ. of New Brunswick, Bag Service 45111, Fredericton, NB, Canada E3B 6E1;Dept of Biological Sciences, Delaware State Univ., Dover, DE 19901, USA;FSU Jena, Institut für Ernährung und Umwelt, LB Lebensmittel pflanzlicher Herkunft, Naum-burger Str. 98, D-07743 Jena, Germany;Natural Resources Canada, Canadian Forest Service, P.O. Box 4000, Fredericton, NB, Canada E3B 5P7.
Abstract:The nuclear DNA content in ray cells from the 1-year-old vascular cambium of white ash ( Fraxinus americana L.) trees was determined at intervals during the annual cycle of cambial activity and dormancy by using Feulgen microspectrophotometry. By 10 September, these cells had entered dormancy in G1 with a normal DNA distribution and a minimal average DNA content of 2.65 pg. The average amount of DNA increased to 3.51 pg by 30 November, remained at this elevated value until at least 30 March, when the cambium was still dormant, then declined to the minimum level on 1 May and 10 June, when the cells were mitotically active. The springtime decline appeared to occur both before and during cell division. Between 1 May and 10 June, the prophase (4C) and telophase (2C) DNA contents decreased significantly. The amount of nuclear DNA measured by microspectrophotometry was verified by using flow cytometry and image analysis. The results support the view that there is an annual oscillation in the nuclear genome size of shoot meristematic cells in tree species native to the northern temperate zone.
Keywords:DNA amplification and loss    flow cytometry    Fraxinus americana    genome size    image analysis    microspectrophotometry    periodicity    protoplast    ray cell    vascular cambium    white ash
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