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Effects of exposure to pile-driving sounds on the lake sturgeon,Nile tilapia and hogchoker
Authors:Michele B. Halvorsen  Brandon M. Casper  Frazer Matthews  Thomas J. Carlson  Arthur N. Popper
Affiliation:1.Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Marine Sciences Laboratory, Sequim, WA 98382, USA;2.Department of Biology, Center for Comparative and Evolutionary Biology of Hearing, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, USA
Abstract:Pile-driving and other impulsive sound sources have the potential to injure or kill fishes. One mechanism that produces injuries is the rapid motion of the walls of the swim bladder as it repeatedly contacts nearby tissues. To further understand the involvement of the swim bladder in tissue damage, a specially designed wave tube was used to expose three species to pile-driving sounds. Species included lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens)—with an open (physostomous) swim bladder, Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)—with a closed (physoclistous) swim bladder and the hogchoker (Trinectes maculatus)—a flatfish without a swim bladder. There were no visible injuries in any of the exposed hogchokers, whereas a variety of injuries were observed in the lake sturgeon and Nile tilapia. At the loudest cumulative and single-strike sound exposure levels (SELcum and SELss respectively), the Nile tilapia had the highest total injuries and the most severe injuries per fish. As exposure levels decreased, the number and severity of injuries were more similar between the two species. These results suggest that the presence and type of swim bladder correlated with injury at higher sound levels, while the extent of injury at lower sound levels was similar for both kinds of swim bladders.
Keywords:swim bladder   physoclistous   physostomous   fishes   impulsive sound   tissue damage
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