Abstract: | An axenic clonal culture of Chattonella antiqua (Hada) Ono was grown on a 12: 12 h LD cycle in a laboratory culture tank containing 1 m3 of f/2 medium. Diel changes in mean cell volume, cellular carbon (carbon content per cell), C/N ratio, cellular Chl a, Chl a/c ratio and carotenoid composition were observed. Mean cell volume and cellular C, N and pigments increased during the light period as a result of photosynthesis and decreased with increase of cell concentration by phased cell division during the dark period. These changes indicated that carbon assimilation and pigment synthesis occurred together during the light period. However, the patterns of increase were not the same since different diel patterns were also found in the ratios of C/N and chl a/c. Photosynthetic pigments were analyzed by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography with ion-pairing solution. This analysis showed that the dominant carotenoids in C. antiqua were fucoxanthin, violaxanthin and β-carotene. Diel patterns of Chls a and c were similar to that of fucoxanthin but different from those of violaxanthin and β-carotene. The cellular contents of Chl a, fucoxanthin and carbon increased in a parallel manner during the light period. On the other hand, the increase of violaxanthin was restricted to only a few hours at the beginning of the light period during cell division cycles. |