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Alternative Methods for Measuring Obesity in African American Women
Authors:Ashley E. Clark  Jacquelyn Y. Taylor  Chun Yi Wu  Jennifer A. Smith
Affiliation:aDoctoral student, Yale School of Nursing, New Haven, Connecticut;bAssociate Professor, Yale School of Nursing, New Haven, Connecticut;cDoctoral student, University of Michigan, School of Public Health, Ann Arbor, Michigan;dResearch specialist, University of Michigan, School of Public Health, Ann Arbor, Michigan
Abstract:The use of body mass index (BMI) may not be the most appropriate measurement toolin determining obesity in diverse populations. We studied a convenience sampleof 108 African American (AA) women to determine the best method for measuringobesity in this at-risk population. The purpose of this study was to determineif percent body fat (PBF) and percent body water (PBW) could be used asalternatives to BMI in predicting obesity and risk for hypertension (HTN) amongAA women.After accounting for age, BMI, and the use of anti-hypertensive medication, PBF(p = 0.0125) and PBW (p = 0.0297) were significantly associated with systolicblood pressure, while BMI was not. Likewise, PBF (p = 0.0316) was significantlyassociated with diastolic blood pressure, while PBW and BMI were not. Thus,health care practitioners should consider alternative anthropometricmeasurements such as PBF when assessing obesity in AA women.
Keywords:obesity   African American   women   percent body fat   body mass index
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