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引用本文:王淼 陈欣. 东北山地水生鞘翅目昆虫多样性的比较研究[J]. 应用生态学报, 1998, 9(4): 411-415
作者姓名:王淼 陈欣
摘    要:调查了东北长白山自然保护区及辽宁省医巫闾山两地静水水体中水生甲虫.结果表明,长白山阔叶红松林生态系统水生甲虫比辽宁医巫闾山农林复合生态系统水生甲虫物种丰富的多.长白山水生甲虫共有17个属29个种,而辽宁医巫闾山水生甲虫只有10个属13个种.两地水生甲虫Shannon多样性指数分别为2.124、1.643,Shannon均匀度分别为1.260、0.641,两种不同生态系统中的水生甲虫物种多度分布较好地拟合于对数级数模型,均以少数物种为优势种,其中长白山自然保护区水生甲虫以Hydroglyphusjaponicus、Haliplussimplex为优势种,辽宁医巫闾山水生甲虫则以Hydroglyphuspusilus、Agabususuriensis、Agabusbrandti占优势.

关 键 词:水生甲虫  物种多样性  长白山  医巫闾山

Diversity of aquatic beetles in mountainous regions of northeastern China.
Wang Miao,Ji Lanzhu,Zhao Ming,Li Qiurong. Diversity of aquatic beetles in mountainous regions of northeastern China.[J]. The journal of applied ecology, 1998, 9(4): 411-415
Authors:Wang Miao  Ji Lanzhu  Zhao Ming  Li Qiurong
Abstract:Investigations on aquatic beetles in static water bodies of Changbai Mountains Nature Reserve and Yiwulushan Mountains show that the species diversity of aquatic beetles is richer in broadleaved Korean pine forest ecosystem of Changbai Mountains than in agroforestry ecosystem of Yiwulushan Mountains. There are 17 genera and 29 species of aquatic beetles in Changbai Mountains, but only 10 genera and 13 species in Yiwulushan Mounatins. The Shannon diversity index is respectively 2.214 and 1.643 in Changbai Mountains and Yiwulushan Mountains, and the Shannon evenness is 1.260 and 0.640, respectively. The species abundance distribution of aquatic beetles in these two different ecosystems is fitted to logarithmic series distribution. A small number of species become the dominant in the two ecosystems. In Changbai Mountains, the dominant species are Hydroglyphus pusillus, Haliplus simplex , and H.pusillus , andin Yiwulushan Mountains, they are Agabus ussuriensis and A.brandti .
Keywords:Aquatic beetles   Species diversity   Changbai Mountains   Yiwulushan Mountains.
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