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Identification of adsorption inhibition, restriction/modification and abortive infection type phage resistance systems in Lactococcus lactis strains
Authors:Tükel Cağla  Sanlibaba Pinar  Ozden Banu  Akçelik M
Affiliation:Department of Medical Microbiology and Immunology, School of Medicine, University of California at Davis, One Shields Avenue, Davis, CA 95616-8645, USA.
Abstract:98 Lactococcus lactis strains were isolated from traditional fermented milk products in Turkey tested against 60 lactococcal lytic phages to determine their resistance levels. While 82 L. lactis strains were sensitive against lactic phages at different levels, 16 L. lactis strains showed resistance to all phages tested. Types of phage resistance among 16 L. lactis strains were identified as phage adsorption inhibition in eight strains, restriction/modification in six strains and abortive infection (heat sensitive phage resistance) in two strains, using three broad-spectrum phages phi pll 98-32, phi pld 67-42 and phi pld 67-44.
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