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引用本文:刘丽鸣,覃欢. 多尺度的光声显微镜用于癌细胞及实体瘤成像[J]. 激光生物学报, 2017, 26(2). DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1007-7146.2017.02.004
作者姓名:刘丽鸣  覃欢
作者单位:华南师范大学激光生命科学研究所 激光生命科学教育部重点实验室, 生物光子学研究院, 广东 广州 510631
基金项目:National Natural Science Foundation of China,Special research fund for doctoral programs in Institutions of higher learning,South China Normal University Youth Development Fund
摘    要:多尺度显微成像系统(M-PAM)被发展,并被用于成像从癌细胞到实体肿瘤的多尺度生物结构.该装置由二维运动平台,扫描振镜,物镜,聚焦超声换能器组成,其横向分辨率达到3 μm.结果显示该系统可以对体外培养黑色素瘤细胞与体内的黑色素瘤进行无标记成像.基于具有靶向性的探针,M-PAM系统可以对体外培养的U87-MG肿瘤细胞以及体内U87-MG实体肿瘤进行成像.综上所述,M-PAM系统将是研究肿瘤的有力工具.

关 键 词:光声成像  肿瘤成像  多尺度成像

Multiscale-photoacoustic Microscopy for Imaging Cancer Cells and Solid Tumors
LIU Liming,QIN Huan. Multiscale-photoacoustic Microscopy for Imaging Cancer Cells and Solid Tumors[J]. ACTA Laser Biology Sinica, 2017, 26(2). DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1007-7146.2017.02.004
Authors:LIU Liming  QIN Huan
Abstract:A multiscale-photoacoustic microscopy (M-PAM) system is developed for imaging living biological structures ranging from cancer cells to solid tumors.It integrates a two-dimensional motor platform,a two-dimensional scanning galvanometer,an objective lens,a focused ultrasound transducer.The lateral resolution of the M-PAM is quantitatively analyzed to be 3 μm.The results demonstrated that the melanoma cells in vitro and melanoma in vivo were revealed by this system with label-free.With the assistant of targeted photoacoustic probes,M-PAM can image U87-MG tumor cancer cells in vitro and U87-MG solid tumors in vivo.M-PAM will be a powerful tool for tumor study ranging cells to solid tumor in vivo.
Keywords:photoacoustic imaging  tumor imaging  multiscale imagin
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