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引用本文:康冰,刘世荣,史作民,温远光,蔡道雄,卢立华,梁宏温,冯常林. 南亚热带人工马尾松林下植物组成特征及主要木本种群生态位研究[J]. 应用生态学报, 2005, 16(9): 1786-1790
作者姓名:康冰  刘世荣  史作民  温远光  蔡道雄  卢立华  梁宏温  冯常林
作者单位:1.西北农林科技大学生命科学学院,杨凌 712100;;2.中国林业科学研究院森林生态环境与保护研究所,北京 100091;;3.广西大学林学院,南宁 530001;;4.中国林业科学研究院热带森林实验中心,凭祥 532600
摘    要:1引言物种多样性是生态系统的重要特征并维持系统的功能运行,生物多样性与生态系统抵御逆境和抗干扰能力有关,多样性的提高会增强系统的稳定性及生态服务功能[4,5,13,14,24,25,32,36].林下植被在维持森林物种多样性、立地指示、水土保持、促进人工林养分循环、维护林地地力和揭示植被演替特征等方面具有不可忽视的作用[3,12,19,20,35].马尾松(Pinus massoniana)是我国南亚热带地区的主要针叶林之一,由于人为活动(造林、抚育、樵采等)对人工林下物种丰富度干扰很大,造成了森林的严重退化[33,34,37],不利于人工林的可持续发展.南亚热带植被的…

关 键 词:南亚热带地区 组成特征 林下植物 人工林 马尾松 种群生态位 物种多样性 抗干扰能力 木本

Understory vegetation composition and main woody population niche of artificial masson pine forest in south subtropical area
KANG Bing,Liu Shirong,Shi Zuomin,WEN Yuanguang,CAI Daoxiong,Lu Lihua,Liang Hongwen,FENG Changlin. Understory vegetation composition and main woody population niche of artificial masson pine forest in south subtropical area[J]. The journal of applied ecology, 2005, 16(9): 1786-1790
Authors:KANG Bing  Liu Shirong  Shi Zuomin  WEN Yuanguang  CAI Daoxiong  Lu Lihua  Liang Hongwen  FENG Changlin
Affiliation:1.College of Life Science,Northwest Sci-Tech University of Agriculture and Forestry,Yangling 712100,China;2.Institute of Forest Ecology,Environment and Protection,Chinese Academy of Forestry,Beijing 100091,China;3.College of Forestry,Guangxi University,Nanning 530001,China;4.Experiment Center of Tropical Forestry,Chinese Academy of Forestry,Pingxiang 532600,China
Abstract:This paper studied the characteristics of the natural understory vegetation in the artificial masson pine forest replanted after Chinese fir cut for 13 years.The results indicated that there were 100 species of understory vegetation,including 74 species of shrub or small arbor,accounting for 74.0% of the total species,belonging to 41 faculties and 63 categories,and 26 herbs belonging to 14 faculties and 23 categories.The tropical and subtropical elements were dominant in the vegetation,while the temperate ones were scare.The species diversity and richness were decreased after masson pine regenerated from Chinese fir.The analysis of important value showed that the main species of shrub or small arbor were Tinomiscium tonkinensis,Mycetia longiflora,Evodia lepta,Paederia scandens,Mussaenda pubuscens,Actinodaphne pilosa and Quercus glauca,and those of herb were Cyrtococcum patens,Blechnum orientale,Dicranopteris dichotoma,Adiantum flabellulatum,Adiantum edgeworthii and Pteris semipinnata.The biomass of the vegetation in different slope positions was decreased in order of upside>downside>middle part.There was a significantly positive correlation between the niche breath and the important value of main woody population.The important values of woody populations were higher than those of the others,and their niche breadths were also larger,which meant that they were more adaptable to the habitat.The niche overlaps of six population counterparts Tinomiscium tonkinensis-Mycetia longiflora,Tinomiscium tonkinensis-Evodia lepta,Mussaenda pubuscens-Maesa japonica,Quercus glauca-Aphananthe aspera,Actinodaphne pilosa-Saraca chinensis and Evodia lepta-Quercus glaucathese were very large,which could offer information for the restoration and reconstruction in selecting natural vegetation.The large niche overlaps of major woody population counterparts suggested their similar utilization of natural resources.
Keywords:Artificial Pinus massoniana forest   Natural vegetation composition   Driving species   Niche breadth   Niche overlap.
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