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Successive contrast cannot explain suppression release after repetitious exposure to one of the components of a taste mixture
Authors:Kroeze   Jan H.A.
Abstract:Repetitious exposure to one of the components of a NcCl-sucrosemixture causes the other component to recover from suppression.This so-called‘suppression release’ might be explainedby assuming that the subjects habituate to the repeated component,which is thereby disabled as a suppressor in the mixture. Twoexperiments are reported that test successive contrast as analternative explanation of this type of suppression release.This alternative was investigated by substituting an unmixedtest stimulus of about equal subjective sweetness (or saltiness)for the mixture. The results indicate that successive contrastcontributes only partially to the suppression-release effect.When the contrast contribution is subtracted, a significantsuppression-release effect remains.
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