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Voltage-dependent cationic channel of Escherichia coli
Authors:Catherine Berrier  Alain Coulombe  Christine Houssin  Alexandre Ghazi
Affiliation:(1) Department of Biochemistry, McMaster University, L8N 325 Hamilton, Ontario, Canada;(2) Present address: Pavlov Institute of Physiology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, B-034 St. Petersburg, Russia
Abstract:Verapamil and dimethylcurine are Ca2+ entry blockers of essentially different chemical structures which presumably bind to the same arylalkylamine receptor of the L-type Ca channel. A systematic conformational analysis of methoxyverapamil (D-600) and dimethylcurine has been carried out using a molecular mechanics method. The lowest minimum-energy conformations of D-600 are predisposed to chelate Ca2+ by four oxygen atoms of the stacked methoxyphenyl moieties. Comparison of the lowest energy conformations of D-600-Ca2+ and dimethylcurine revealed a similar spatial disposition of cationic groups and methoxyphenyl moieties in the two compounds. A three-dimensional model of arylalkylamine receptor was suggested which incorporates two nucleophilic areas of the Ca channel. Dimethylcurine binds to these areas by its quaternary amine functions, whereas D-600 does so by amine function and via coordinated Ca2+. The results support the hypotheses on ternary complex formation between the ligands of Ca channel, their receptors, and Ca2+.
Keywords:Ca2+ entry blockers  Conformation  Ca channel  Mechanism of blockade  Arylalkyl amine receptor  Verapamil
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