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Development of a new transcervical artificial insemination method for sheep: effects of a new transcervical artificial insemination catheter and traversing the cervix on semen quality and fertility
Authors:Wulster-Radcliffe Meghan C  Lewis Gregory S
Affiliation:USDA, ARS, US Sheep Experiment Station, Dubois, ID 83423, USA.
Abstract:The difficulty of traversing the cervix severely limits transcervical artificial insemination (TC AI) in sheep. Cervical trauma and poorly designed instruments can reduce fertility after AI. To overcome problems associated with TC AI, we developed a new TC AI catheter. Three bench experiments were conducted to determine the effects of the new TC AI catheter on semen quality independent of the effects of moving the catheter through the cervix. In each of the three bench experiments, the standard laparoscopic instrument for intrauterine AI in sheep was used as the control for the TC AI catheter. In Experiment 1, the total volume of semen extender expelled and void volumes for both types of AI instrument (TC versus laparoscopic) were determined. In Experiment 2, the effects of each type of AI instrument (TC versus laparoscopic) on semen quality, estimated as percentage motility and percentage forward progressive motility, of frozen-thawed semen was determined. In Experiment 3, the effects of both types of AI instrument (TC versus laparoscopic) on number of spermatozoa expelled was determined. The type of AI instrument affected neither semen quality nor the number of spermatozoa expelled. However, void volume differed (P < 0.01) between the two instruments. After differences in void volume were taken into account, an in vivo experiment was conducted to determine whether using our new TC AI catheter for TC or surgical intrauterine AI affected fertilization and pregnancy rates. For this, ewes were assigned to one of three treatments: (1) TC AI using the new TC AI catheter + sham AI via laparotomy (n = 9); (2) sham TC AI + AI via laparotomy using a laparoscopic AI instrument (n = 8); and (3) sham TC AI + AI via laparotomy using the new TC Al catheter (n = 10). To synchronize estrus, progestogenated pessaries were inserted and left in place for 12 days. On Day 5 after pessary insertion, PGF2alpha (15 mg) was given i.m. At pessary removal, 400 IU of eCG were administered i.m. Ewes were inseminated 48-52 h after pessary removal using fresh diluted semen (200 x 10(6) to 350 x 10(6) spermatozoa per 0.2 ml) pooled from the same four rams each day during the experiment. At 72 h after AI, uteri were collected postmortem and flushed. Oocytes and embryos were recovered and evaluated. Treatments did not affect (P > 0.01) ovum and embryo recovery rate (mean = 87.3%), fertilization rate (59.3%), or Day 3 pregnancy rate (mean = 66.6%). We conclude from these data that the use of our new TC AI catheter for TC AI or intrauterine AI should not impair the success of AI in sheep.
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