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Religious expression in public schools: Kirpans in Canada,hijab in France
Authors:Sarah V. Wayland
Affiliation:Visiting Scholar in the Department of Political Science , University of Toronto , 220 Robert Street, Toronto, ON, M55 2K7, Canada Phone: 001 416 929 8221 Fax: 001 416 929 8221 E-mail: sarah.wayland@utoronto.ca
Abstract:The present study analyses the status of the Arab minority in Israel, as revealed in Project Renewal, one of the largest and most ambitious programmes implemented in the country during the 1980s. The analysis discloses how conflicts over symbolic issues, such as the definition of the collective's boundaries, found their way on to the Project Renewal agenda, and how they affected the project's dynamics. The article analyses the intensity of the conflicts evoked by the issue of citizen participation in the neighbourhood. It interprets the clashes over neighbourhood representation as essentially resulting from a core conflict, one in which the very boundaries of Israel's moral community appeared to be at stake. The conclusions are based on an analytical distinction between those components of the programme that may be viewed as related to liberal citizenship rights, and those pertaining to republican citizenship rights, that is, elements touching upon the definition of the boundaries of the social collective and the moral community.
Keywords:Political culture  mobilization  Sikhs  Muslims  Canada  France
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