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The distribution of diploids and polyploids of theScilla scilloides complex in the northeastern district of China
Authors:Zhihui Yü  Hiroto Araki
Affiliation:(1) Department of Biology, Liaoning Normal University, Dalian, People's Republic of China;(2) Department of Biology, Fukuoka University of Education, Munakata, 811-841
Abstract:A cytological analysis was made of 1504 individuals ofScilla scilloides Druce from the northeastern district of China. In terms of genome combination four cytotypes were found: AA (90.95%), AAAA (0.07%), AABB (8.92%) and AABB+2 (0.07%). In the cytotypes A and B denote genome A (x=8) and genome B (x=9), respectively. Most of 18 natural populations examined consist of one cytotype: indeed, all individuals examined of 15 of the populations are AA diploids, those of one population AABB allotetraploids, and individuals examined of two other populations have two cytotypes each, AA and AAAA, and AABB and AABB+2. In karyotype the genome A of the AA and AAAA was different from that of the AABB, and a direction of morphological change of chromosomes in the genome A is discussed in light of results of hybridization experiments reported elsewhere. Taken together with information available for the distribution of different cytotypes in China, Korea and Japan, the results of the present study support the view of Maekawa thatScilla scilloides was native to mainland China and lately introduced to Japan.
Keywords:Chromosome  Genome analysis  Liliaceae  Polyploid   Scilla scilloides
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