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An Arabidopsis embryonic lethal mutant with reduced expression of alanyl—t RNA synthetase gene
引用本文:SUNJIANGE XIAOLIYAO 等. An Arabidopsis embryonic lethal mutant with reduced expression of alanyl—t RNA synthetase gene[J]. Cell research, 1998, 8(2): 119-134
摘    要:In present paper,one of the T-DNA insertional embryonic lethal mutant of Arabidopsis is identified and designated as acd mutant.The embryo developmant of this mutant is arrested in globular stage,The cell division pattern is abnormal during early embryogenesis and results in distubed cellular differentiation.Most of mutant embryos are finally degenerated and aborted in globular stage,However,a few of them still can germinate in agar palte and produce seedlings with shoter hypoctyl and distorted shoot meristem.To understand the molecular basis of the phenotype of this mutant,the joint fragment of T-DNA/plant DNA is isolated by plasmid rescue and Dig-labeled as probe for cDNA library screening.According to the sequence analysis and similarity searching,a 936 bp cDNA sequence(EMBL accession #:Y12555)from selectoed positive clone shows a 99.8%(923/925bp) sequence homolgy with Alanyl-tRNA Synthetase(AlaRS) gene of Arabidopsis thaliana.Furthermore,the data of in situ hybridization experiment indicate that the expression of Ala RS gene is weak in early embryogenesis and declines along with globular embryodevelopment in this mutant Accordingly,the reduced expression of Ala RS gene may be closely related to the morphological changes in early embryogenesis of this lethal mutant.

关 键 词:拟南芥 胚胎致死性突变 有花植物 丙氨酰-tRNA合成酶 基因表达 早期胚胎发育 调控

An Arabidopsis embryonic lethal mutant with reduced expression of alanyl-tRNA synthetase gene
SUN JIAN GE,XIAo LI YAO,ZHI XING YANG,ZHIPING ZHU. An Arabidopsis embryonic lethal mutant with reduced expression of alanyl-tRNA synthetase gene[J]. Cell research, 1998, 8(2): 119-134
Abstract:In present paper, one of the T-DNA insertional embryonic lethal mutant of Arabidopsis is identifled and designated as acd mutant. The embryo development of this mutant is arrested in globular stage. The cell division pattern is abnormal during early embryogenesis and results in disturbed cellular differentiation. Most of mutant embryos are finally degenerated and aborted in globular stage. However, a few of them still can germinate in agar plate and produce seedlings with shorter hypocotyl and distorted shoot meristem. To understand the molecular basis of the phenotype of this mutant, the joint fragment of T-DNA/plant DNA is isolated by plasmid rescue and Dig-labeled as probe for cDNA library screening. According to the sequence analysis and similarity searching, a 936bp cDNA sequence (EMBL accession#: Y12555) from selected positive clone shows a 99.8 % (923/925bp) sequence homology with Alanyl-tRNA Synthetase (A1aRS) gene of Arabidopsis thaliana. Furthermore, the data of in sitll hybridization experiment indicate that the expression of AlaRS gene is weak in early embryogenesis and declines along with globular embryo 'development' in this mutant.Accordingly, the reduced expression of AlaRS gene maybe closely related to the morphological changes in early embryogenesis of this lethal mutant.
Keywords:AlaRS gene   embryonic mutant   Arabidopsis
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