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The role of the epidermis in kinetin-induced retardation of chlorophyll degradation in tobacco leaf discs during senescence
Authors:Kasamo   Kunihiro
Affiliation:Institute for Plant Virus Research 959 Aobacho, Chiba 280, Japan
Abstract:Three kinds of discs were taken from tobacco leaves whose lowerepidermis had been peeled off, half-peeled or unpeeled. Therole of the epidermis and its relation to the kinetin effecton chlorophyll degradation during senescence were studied. Ourresults follow.
  1. Chlorophyll degradation due to kinetin was retarded only whenthe lower epidermis was present.
  2. The decrease in chlorophyllcontent in leaf discs on water duringsenescence was nearlyproportional to the size of the lowerepidermis attached tothe discs; i.e., unpeeled discs>half-peeleddiscs>peeleddiscs.
  3. Cellular fractions possessing activity which induceschlorophylldegradation were extracted from the isolated lowerepidermis(i, ii) and its acetone powder (iii): (i) L-2 fraction(1.14≤d≤1.16)was separated by stepwise sucrose density-gradientcentrifugationfrom the 10,000?g pellet of the cell homogenate.(ii) The A-fraction(M.W.≥5,000) was precipitated with 0–80%saturation ofammonium sulfate from 105,000 ? g supernatantof cell homogenateand eluted in the void volume by SephadexG-25 column chromatography.(iii) The fraction precipitatedwith 0–30% saturationof ammonium sulfate from the 105,000?gsupernatant, containeda large amount of DNA and its activityremained even if DNAwas removed.
  4. Activity was not retainedwhen the fractions were obtained fromisolated lower epidermispretreated with 2?10–5 M kinetinfor 2 hr in darknessat 25?C.
(Received June 3, 1976; )
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