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引用本文:蒲高忠,潘玉梅,唐赛春,韦春强,陈秋霞. 桂林唇柱苣苔传粉生物学及生殖配置研究[J]. 植物研究, 2009, 29(2): 169-175
作者姓名:蒲高忠  潘玉梅  唐赛春  韦春强  陈秋霞
作者单位:(1.广西壮族自治区中国科学院广西植物研究所,桂林 541006) ;(2.广西师范大学生命科学学院,桂林 541004)
摘    要:
对桂林唇柱苣苔在不同生境下(YZ居群,半野生,林下裸露岩石上;DB居群,洞穴岩石上)的生殖生态学进行了比较研究。结果表明:(1)桂林唇柱苣苔的花期为2月下旬至4月中旬,受环境因素的影响,单花期在DB居群(16~24 d)明显长于YZ居群(10~17 d);(2)两个居群的P/O比差异显著,花粉量比胚珠量有更明显的变化,这可能与其生境有关;(3)桂林唇柱苣苔属于兼性异交系统,不存在无融合生殖现象;(4)传粉和种子后熟阶段均存在限制,致使各种处理的结实率均处在较低的水平(<45%);(5)白颊尤垫蜂与小蜂类(DB居群)或蜜蜂(YZ居群)为桂林唇柱苣苔较为稳定的传粉者;(6)桂林唇柱苣苔植株个体越大,花期繁殖投入就越高,繁殖分配越低;(7)与DB居群相比,YZ居群可利用资源较为丰富、植株生物量较大,因此其花期投入繁殖也较高,而DB居群将更多的资源分配给营养器官,从而提高了对资源获取能力。

关 键 词:桂林唇柱苣苔;传粉;生殖配置;生殖分配;生殖生态学

Pollination Biology and Reproductive Allocation of Chirita gueilinensis(Gesneriaceae)
PU Gao-Zhong PAN Yu-Mei TANG Sai-Chun WEI Chun-Qiang, CHEN Qiu-Xia. Pollination Biology and Reproductive Allocation of Chirita gueilinensis(Gesneriaceae)[J]. Bulletin of Botanical Research, 2009, 29(2): 169-175
Authors:PU Gao-Zhong PAN Yu-Mei TANG Sai-Chun WEI Chun-Qiang   CHEN Qiu-Xia
Affiliation:1.Guangxi Institute of Botany;Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and the Chinese Academy of Sciences;Guilin 541006;2.College of Life Science;Guangxi Normal University;Guilin 541004
We investigated the reproductive ecology of Chirita gueilinensis in different habitats populations (YZ population,semi-wild,at the sunny cracks and crevices of calcareous rocks with little soil; DB population,at the rupicolous in a cave). Our results indicated that: (1)Flowering took place from late February to middle April,and anthesis of a single flower lasted 10~17 days in YZ population and 16~24 days in DB population depending on environmental conditions. (2)The pollen-ovule ratio(P/O) is different in t...
Keywords:Chirita gueilinensis W. T. Wang  pollination  reproductive allocation  reproductive investment  reproductive ecology
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