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引用本文:王耕,周腾禹. 基于文献计量分析的区域生态安全研究热点与趋势[J]. 生态学报, 2019, 39(18): 6950-6957
作者姓名:王耕  周腾禹
作者单位:辽宁师范大学城市与环境学院, 大连 110629,辽宁师范大学城市与环境学院, 大连 110629
摘    要:生态安全是生态学研究的热点议题,近年来国内外对生态安全领域相关研究力度不断增大。文章以WEB OF SCIENCE数据库和中国期刊全文数据库(CNKI)中期刊论文为数据源,从文献计量的角度,利用Excel统计论文年度发文量,通过Bibexcel得到高频词共词矩阵,导入Ucinet和Netdraw得出共现网络可视图,最后利用SPSS对关键词进行聚类分析,以探究区域生态安全研究热点和趋势。研究表明:(1)区域生态安全研究发文数量基本逐年递增,自2012年起进入快速增长阶段。(2)国内外区域生态安全的研究内容具有较大差异。国外更注重在气候变化背景下生态安全与可持续发展的关系研究;国内更加关注生态安全空间规划、生态文明建设等基本理论与生态安全实证检验。(3)共现网络可视中的关键词food safety、environment和climate change与生态安全、生态文明建设和生态保护红线一定程度上成为当前研究的热点。(4)国内外区域生态安全研究对象和研究尺度均存在较大的差异。国外主要以极端贫困国家和发展中国家为研究对象,研究尺度涉及地区、国家甚至全球;国内主要以区域为研究对象,研究尺度集中于中尺度。综上,目前区域生态安全研究的热点是区域生态安全评价及其影响因素、生态文明建设战略和可持续发展研究等,未来生态安全的研究趋势将集中于生态安全空间演变、国际与区际间安全关联和安全对策等。

关 键 词:生态安全  文献计量  研究热点  趋势

Status Quo and Hotspots of Ecological Security Research Based on Bibliometrics
Abstract:Ecological security is a highlight of ecology, and studies on ecological security have been increasing both foreign and domestically in recent years. The basic foreign and domestic data from the study include the Web of Science database and the China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI). From the perspective of bibliometrics, this study used Excel to calculate the number of publications according to the year, Bibexcel to create a high-frequency co-word matrix, and UCINET and NetDraw to draw a co-word network visualization map. Finally, SPSS was used to cluster the keywords to explore regional ecological security trends and hotspots. The research showed the following: (1) the number of regional ecological security studies on regional ecological security has increased gradually each year, and the number of publications has entered a stage of rapid growth, especially since 2012. (2) The regional ecological security domestically and foreign show great differences: foreign countries pay more attention to the relationship between ecological security and sustainable development based on climate change, while basic theories, such as ecological security spatial planning, the construction of ecological civilization, and empirical case studies of ecological security, were emphasized in domestic studies. (3) To some extent, co-occurrence network visible keywords, including food safety, environment, and climate change have become the current foreign and domestic research hotspots alongside ecological security, the construction of ecological civilization, and ecological redline. (4) Domestic and foreign research on ecological security show big differences in research objects and research scales. The research focuses on extremely poor countries and developing countries, and foreign studies are found at regional, country-wide, and even global scales. While domestic research mainly focuses on regions, the research scale is more concentrated to the mesoscale. In conclusion, the research hotspots of regional ecological security include ecological security evaluation and its influencing factors, ecological civilization construction strategies, and sustainable development research; future research on ecological security should focus on the spatial evolution of ecological security, inter-regional security linkages, and security countermeasures.
Keywords:ecological security   bibliometric   research hotspots   trends
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