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Evidence for amino-acid: proton cotransport in Ricinus cotyledons
Authors:Simon P. Robinson  Harry Beevers
Affiliation:(1) Biology Department, University of California, 95064 Santa Cruz, CA, USA;(2) Present address: CSIRO Division of Horticultural Research, GPO Box 350, 5001 Adelaide, S.A., Australia
Abstract:During germination and early growth of the castor-bean (Ricinus communis L.), protein in the endosperm is hydrolyzed and the amino acids are transferred into the cotyledons and then via the translocation stream to the axis of the growing seedling. The cotyledons retain the ability to absorb amino acids after removal of the endosperm and hypocotyl, exhibiting rates of transport up to 70 mgrmol g-1 h-1. The transport of L-glutamine was not altered by KCl or NaCl in low concentrations (0–20 mM). High concentrations of KCl (100 mM) inhibited transport, presumably by decreasing the membrane potential. An increase in the pH of the medium bathing the cotyledons was observed for 10 min following addition of L-glutamine but not with D-glutamine, which is not transported. The rate of proton uptake was dependent on the concentration of L-glutamine in the external solution. Inhibitors and uncouplers of respiration (azide, 2, 4-dinitrophenol, carbonyl cyanide phenylhydrazone and N-ethylmaleimide) inhibited both L-glutamine uptake and L-glutamine-induced proton uptake. Amino acids other than L-glutamine also caused a transient pH rise and the rate of proton uptake was proportional to the rate of amino-acid uptake. The stoichiometry was 0.3 protons per amino acid transported. Addition of sucrose also caused proton uptake but the alkalisation by sucrose and by amino acids were not additive. Nevertheless, when sucrose was added 60 min after providing L-glutamine at levels saturating its uptake system, a rise in pH was again observed. The results were consistent with amino-acid transport and sucrose transport in castor-bean cotyledons both occurring by a proton cotransport in the same membrane system but involving separate carriers.
Keywords:Amino-acid transport  Cotyledons  Proton cotransport  Ricinus
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