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Two Phases in Adventitious Root Formation in Phaseolus mungo Hypocotyl Cuttings, a Phase Sensitive to an Inhibitor of RNA or Protein Synthesis and a Phase Sensitive to an Inhibitor of DNA Synthesis
The development of adventitious roots in Phaseolus mungo cuttingswas inhibited by 2-thiouracil, cycloheximide, and 5-bromodeoxyuridine.The stage of rooting blocked by 2-thiouracil and cycloheximidewas different from that blocked by 5-bromodeoxyuridine. Somecell division in the basal rooting region occurred with 5-bromodeoxyuridine,but not with 2-thiouracil and cycloheximide. Radioactivity from labelled 2-thiouracil appeared in RNA fractionsbut the amount was reduced by simultaneously applied uracil.5-Bromodeoxyuridine inhibited incorporation of thymidine intoDNA fractions. 2-Thiouracil and 5-bromodeoxyuridine act as antimetabolitesof uracil and thymidine, respectively. Cycloheximide, an inhibitorof protein synthesis, prevented the incorporation of radioactivityfrom labelled leucine into the trichloroacetic acid-insolublefraction. RNA synthesis inhibitors (2-thiouracil and actinomycin D) andprotein synthesis inhibitors (cycloheximide and blasticidinS) increased roots effectively when dosed at the beginning ofincubation. Inhibitors of DNA synthesis (5-bromodeoxyuridineand mitomycin C) were effective when applied after several hours'pre-incubation in water. It is suggested that there are at leasttwo phases in adventitious root formation, a phase sensitiveto an inhibitor of RNA or protein synthesis and a phase sensitiveto an inhibitor of DNA synthesis.
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