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果蝇Drosophila nasuta亚群系统发育问题的探讨
引用本文:郑向忠,朱定良,庚镇城,张亚平. 果蝇Drosophila nasuta亚群系统发育问题的探讨[J]. 生物多样性, 1999, 7(3): 226-233
作者姓名:郑向忠  朱定良  庚镇城  张亚平
作者单位:1. 复旦大学遗传学研究所进化与行为遗传研究室,上海,200433;中国科学院昆明动物研究所细胞与分子进化开放实验室,昆明,650223
2. 复旦大学遗传学研究所进化与行为遗传研究室,上海,200433
3. 中国科学院昆明动物研究所细胞与分子进化开放实验室,昆明,650223
摘    要:果蝇Drosophilanasuta亚群由在14个处于不同物种分化阶段的种,亚种和分类元组成,这个亚群的物种有许多进化上的独特之处,使得它在物种分化研究方面倍受关注,然而,在形态学,生殖隔离,染色体和同工酶多态,线粒体DNARFLP,求偶歌特征惟及线粒体和核基因序列分析等方面的研究都未能清楚地阐明这一亚群的系统进化关系,本文综合分析了关于这一亚群的进化遗传学的研究结果,并提出了有待进一步的一些问题

关 键 词:果蝇  nasuta亚群  系统发育

On the phylogeny of Drosophila nasuta species subgroup
ZHENG Xiang-Zhong,ZHU Ding-Liang,GENG Zhen-Cheng,ZHANG Ya-Ping. On the phylogeny of Drosophila nasuta species subgroup[J]. Biodiversity Science, 1999, 7(3): 226-233
Authors:ZHENG Xiang-Zhong  ZHU Ding-Liang  GENG Zhen-Cheng  ZHANG Ya-Ping
Abstract:Drosophila nasuta species subgroup, belonging to Drosophila immigrans species group, consists of 14 closely related taxa in various levels of the speciation process. This subgroup exhibits much evolutionary idiosyncrasies which attract great interest in the study of speciation mechanism. However, extensive studies on morphometric, reproductive isolation, chromosomal, allozyme variation, mtDNA RFLP, and courtship song characteristics have failed to produce a coherent phylogenetic tree for this subgroup. This paper reviews the available data on the phylogeny of this subgroup, and some ideas for future research are proposed.
Keywords:Drosophila nasuta species subgroup   phylogeny  
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