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Distribution of Vessel Ends in Stems of some Diffuse- and Ring-porous Trees: The Nodal Regions as 'Safety Zones' of the Water Conducting System
Affiliation:Istituto di Botanica, Università di Messina via P Castelli 2, 98100 Messina, Italy
Abstract:We report measurements of the number of vessels ending withinthe nodes in comparison with that in the internodes Such measurementshave been carried out during autumn 1982 and 1983 in 1-year-oldtwigs of three species with diffuse-porous wood (Vitis vintferaL. Populus deitoides Bartr and Olea europaea L) and three ring-poroustrees (Juglans nigra L, Castanea sativa Mill, Sophora JaponicaL) In all three species with diffuse-porous wood, a significantlyhigher percentage of vessels ending in the nodes (at the leafgap) was recorded when compared with that in the internodesNo significant differences were found between nodes and internodesin this respect in ring-porous trees. Since vessel ends arecapable of screening out gaseous emboli and/or particles biggerthan 1 µm in diameter, we interpret the nodes of diffuse-poroustrees as stem zones providing safety for the water conductingsystem .The reason why ring-porous trees are likely not to needsuch ‘safety zones’ is also discussed Vitis vinifera L, grapevine, Populus deltoides Bartr, poplar, Olea europaea L, olive, Juglans nigra L, Eastern black walnut, Castanea sativa Mill, European chestnut, Sophora japonica L, Japanese pagoda tree, vessel ends, nodes, internodes
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