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Complete genome sequence of the Radiation-Resistant bacterium Rubrobacter radiotolerans RSPS-4
Authors:C. Egas  C. Barroso  H.J.C. Froufe  J. Pacheco  L. Albuquerque  M.S. da Costa
Affiliation:1.Next Generation Sequencing Unit, Biocant, Biotechnology Innovation Center, Cantanhede, Portugal;2.Center for Neuroscience and Cell Biology, University of Coimbra, 3004-517 Coimbra, Portugal;3.Department of Life Sciences, University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal
Abstract:Rubrobacter radiotolerans strain RSPS-4 is a slightly thermophilic member of the phylum “Actinobacteria” isolated from a hot spring in São Pedro do Sul, Portugal. This aerobic and halotolerant bacterium is also extremely resistant to gamma and UV radiation, which are the main reasons for the interest in sequencing its genome. Here, we present the complete genome sequence of strain RSPS-4 as well as its assembly and annotation. We also compare the gene sequence of this organism with that of the type strain of the species R. radiotolerans isolated from a hot spring in Japan. The genome of strain RSPS-4 comprises one circular chromosome of 2,875,491 bp with a G+C content of 66.91%, and 3 circular plasmids of 190,889 bp, 149,806 bp and 51,047 bp, harboring 3,214 predicted protein coding genes, 46 tRNA genes and a single rRNA operon.
Keywords:Rubrobacter radiotolerans   radiation-resistance   gram positive   genome sequence   454 sequencing
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