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The effect of post-treatment with caffeine on survival and UV-induced mutation frequencies in Chinese hamster and mouse lymphoma cells in vitro
Authors:M Fox
Affiliation:Paterson Laboratories, Christie Hospital and Holt Radium Institute, Manchester M20 9BX Great Britain
Abstract:The effect of post-treatment with caffeine on the survival of a number of cell lines after UV-irradiation has been studied. The mouse lymphoma cell lines P388 and L5178YS were sensitized by caffeine but only after UV doses of 50 erg/mm2 and above. V79 cells also showed sensitization by caffeine but CHO cells and two cell lines YS and YR derived from Yoshida sarcoma of rats, sensitive and resistant to UV radiation, respectively, showed no effect.P388 and V79 cells were both mutable by UV, and caffeine, when studied at a single expression time (42–48 h) and at a single dose level (0.5 M and 0.75 M, respectively) suppressed the UV-induced mutation frequency in both cell lines. L51788YS cells although sensitized by caffeine showed no increase in frequency of thymidine-resistant (TdRr) colonies when irradiated with UV.On more detaled examination, caffeine was found to delay the expression of UV-induced mutations inV79 cells, and the delay was dependent on the dose of caffine used. The effect on expression time was less when caffeine was present 0–48 h than when it was present throughout the post-irradiation incubation period. Similar results were obtained in P388 cells.The data are discussed in relation to those of other workers and to the concept that caffeine inhibits an error prone post-replication repair process in mammalian cells
Keywords:azaguanine-resistant colony  MNU  thymidine-resistant colony  thymidine kinase deficient cell line  PBS  phosphate-buffered saline
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