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Extreme polygyny among southern elephant seals on Sea Lion Island, Falkland Islands
Authors:Fabiani, Anna   Galimberti, Filippo   Sanvito, Simona   Hoelzel, A. Rus
Affiliation:a School of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, University of Durham, South Road, Durham, DH1 3LE, UK, b Elephant Seal Research Group, Sea Lion Island, Falkland Islands, and c Department of Biology, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John's NF A1B 3X9, Canada
Elephant seals are known from long-term behavioral studies tobe highly polygynous and to show high variance in reproductivesuccess among males. However, genetic studies have determinedthat the level of polygyny varies between the closely relatednorthern and southern elephant seals. In the present study,we investigate paternal success at the Sea Lion Island southernelephant seal colony in the Falkland Islands by using both behavioralmeasures and genetic markers. We find that the average successof harem holding males at Sea Lion Island is significantly higherthan both the northern species and the nearby southern elephantseal population at Punta Delgada. We compare genetic paternitywith various behavioral indices of male mating success, andwe find that the behavioral measures provide a good estimateof the variance in male reproductive success. Only 28.2% ofmales achieved paternities, and among these, harem holders accountedfor 89.6%. We discuss the implications of our results in thecontext of the demographic and physical environment. Specifically,a comparatively high variance in resource holding potentialamong males, differences in male social behavior, and a smalltidal cycle limiting peripheral male access during female departurefrom the harem at this colony may be important factors leadingto the comparatively high variance in male reproductive successat Sea Lion Island.
Keywords:elephant seal   Falklands   mating success   microsatellites   Mirounga   paternity   polygyny.
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