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Rapid calcium exchange for protons and potassium in cell walls of Chara
Authors:P. R. RYAN  I. A. NEWMAN  I. ARIF
Affiliation:Department of Physics, University of Tasmania, GPO Box 252C, Hobart, Tasmania 7001, Australia
Abstract:Net fluxes of Ca2+, H+ and K+ were measured from intact Chara australis cells and from isolated cell walls, using ion-selective microelectrodes. In both systems, a stimulation in Ca2+ efflux (up to 100 nmol m?2 s?1, from an influx of ~40 nmol m?2 s?1) was detected as the H+ or K+ concentration was progressively increased in the bathing solution (pH 7.0 to 4.6 or K+ 0.2 to 10mol m?3, respectively). A Ca2+ influx of similar size occurred following the reverse changes. These fluxes decayed exponentially with a time constant of about 10 min. The threshold pH for Ca2+ efflux (pH 5.2) is similar to a reported pH threshold for acid-induced wall extensibility in a closely related characean species. Application of NH4+ to intact cells caused prolonged H+ efflux and also transient Ca2+ efflux. We attribute all these net Ca2+ fluxes to exchange in the wall with H+ or K+. A theoretical treatment of the cell wall ion exchanges, using the ‘weak acid Donnan Manning’ (WADM) model, is given and it agrees well with the data. The role of Ca2+ in the cell wall and the effect of Ca2+ exchanges on the measured fluxes of other ions, including bathing medium acidification by H+ efflux, are discussed.
Keywords:Chara    acid growth    calcium    cell wall    Donnan    ammonium    proton efflux
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