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Release of p-nitrophenyl phosphorylcholine-hydrolyzing phosphodiesterase from mouse brain membrane by phospholipase-C
Authors:Dai-Eun Sok and Mee Ree Kim

1 Daejeon Machine Depot, Daejeon P.O. Box 35, Korea

2 Department of Food & Nutrition, Chungnam National University, Daejeon 302-764, Korea

Abstract:p-Nitrophenyl phosphorylcholine-hydrolyzing phosphodiesterase activity, which is present more predominantly in brain than liver, kidney or small intestine, was released from the homogenate of brain membrane by Bacillus cereus phospholipase-C. The release of the enzyme was time-dependently induced selectively by phospholipase-C, but not by phospholipases A2 or D, or protease. The released phosphodiesterase was partially purified by DEAE-sephacel and HPLC gel chromatographies with the specific activities of 400 and 1500 nmol/mg · h, respectively. The optimum pH and Km values of the partially purified phosphodiesterase, possessing a mol. wt of 100,000, were observed to be pH 11 and 10 μM, respectively, quite similar to the values of the membrane-bound enzyme, except thermostability and temperature dependency of activity. Interestingly, among phosphorylcholine-containing compounds only glycero-phosphorylcholine exhibited the competitive inhibition of the phosphodiesterase activity.
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