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Wirkung von Fungiziden auf die Sporulation von Podosphaera leucotricha (Ell. et Ev.) Salm. und Venturia inaequalis (Cooke) Wint
Authors:Dipl.-Agronom Sabine Rathke  Dr. Marga Jahn
Affiliation:Institut für Pflanzenschutzforschung Kleinmachnow Akademie der Landwirtschaftswissenschaften der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik ,
Abstract:This paper presents the results of 3 year‐long monitoring of crop fields in four ecologically different areas of Ukraine for several phytoviral infections. Various modifications of ELISA were used as main assay to evaluate the spreading of a virus. The technique allowing to determine the frequency of occurrence for a virus of interest is proposed. This technique is based on an identification of viral antigens in crops, accompanying weeds and soil. The differences between the investigated regions on a virus occurrence frequency as well as dynamics of the parameter in relation to crop‐rotation have been revealed. The possibility to use results obtained for predicting phytoviral disease spreading is discussed.
Keywords:Monitoring  phytoviral infections  spreading of viruses  ELISA  crop‐rotation.
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